Link: 6 great secrets on generating creativity

The blog Barking Up the Wrong Tree has some great thoughts from Scott Barry Kaufman on how to be creative (and we all need this skill, no matter your job). And there is one skill above all others you need to master, according to Kaufman:

My data so far suggests “openness to experience” is the number one thing to cultivate for both personal meaningful creativity and world changing creativity. What that means is constantly challenging yourself beyond your comfort zone, constantly questioning assumptions, being intellectually curious, and appreciating beauty. Personal growth is intimately tied to openness to experience.

Read the rest of his great advice here.

Thought for today: Monday, January 11, 2016


We live in the midst of details that keep us running round in circles and never getting anywhere but tired, or that bring on nervous breakdowns and coronary thrombosis. The answer is not to take to the woods, but to find out what we really want to do and then cut out the details that fritter away what is most valuable in life. Live deep instead of fast. I think this is what Thoreau meant.

—Henry Seidel Canby

HT: Words of Wisdom: More Good Advice compiled and edited by William Safire, Leonard Safir

Thought for today: Sunday, January 10, 2016

Avoid interruptive thinking. Everyone—and I mean everyone—has something good to offer you if you are astute enough to find it. Sometimes it means picking a small kernel out of a lot of chaff, but the kernel is always there. One way to get the best from people is to learn to avoid what I call interruptive thinking. This is where someone is saying something to you and you interrupt—and probably change the subject in doing so.

—David Mahoney

HT: Words of Wisdom: More Good Advice compiled and edited by William Safire, Leonard Safir